
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mockingjay Day in Millerton, NY

I picked up my copy of Mockingjay on Tuesday, Aug. 24 at 2PM at Oblong Books in Rhinebeck, NY, the town I am summering in. By 2AM of Aug 25th I was finished having read it in one long marathon interrupted only three times (of course not counting human necessities) 1) when I went to Winter Sun and purchased my awesome tomato red Baggalini purse, which I will always think of as my Mockingjay bag. 2) when I made dinner (can't remember what) and 3)when I watched my new favorite show Covert Affairs with my new favorite hottie Chris Gorham (you know I must like him if I put down MOCKINGJAY).

Yeah--so you won't get any spoilers from me. I'm going to wait until a reasonable amount of time goes by until I discuss.

I do want to discuss the great opportunity I had to meet and get my book stamped by Suzanne Collins at Oblong Books at the Millerton Branch. But first I want to thank the local hero, Suzanna Hermanns, proprietor of Oblong Books (@oblongirl ), for organizing this terrific and well-planned event.

By all reports, Ms. Collins was kind, patient and very lovely. I told her that as a writer, she is a great inspiration to me. She was so warm. I respected this amazing woman before, now I feel like--I don't know--awed even more. She read from both Catching Fire and Mockingjay, and her lovely voice gave me chills. I just don't know what else to say.

Afterward, I went for milkshakes with the lovely Jules Dominguez a local YA writer and the brand new resident of Rhinebeck, the awesome Jennifer Laughran (@literaticat), who also now works for Oblong Books (Rhinebeck branch). What fun. With the sun setting behind us as we laughed and slurped our really REALLY thick milkshakes--I was so happy to have found this little pocket of YA heaven right in Dutchess County.

I should tell you--I have had the amazing experience of meeting and getting to know Jennifer this summer and she is FUN. And smart--and she seems to know me way too well already. (enough to finish my sentences and laugh at me. Am I that transparent? yeah--I am) Okay--she is not my agent--that would be Victoria Marini who I have yet to meet, but I am happy to call her a friend. So I feel extra lucky. And it was so great to get to know Jules who I've *known* on Twitter for quite some time.

So--it was a great evening, all in all. I had time to reflect on the way back, driving past the rolling golden hills of the gorgeous Hudson Valley, the sun low in the sky, Suzanne Collin's mesmerizing voice still in my ears, about just what a great summer it's been.

All I can say is, wow. And thank you Suzanna(@oblongirl) for working so hard to make this happen.



  1. Thanks for the no-spoilers! Sounds like a great time :)

  2. Sounds like you're one happy person these days!

  3. It was so great to meet you in person, Lisa! What a terrific event it was, all thanks to our wonderful Suzanna... And so much fun to hang with you & Jennifer & slurp those awesome-tastic milkshakes. Again, soon....

  4. You're welcome Suzanna (aka oblongirl) and it was delightful to finally meet you, Jules!
